This animation originated from Memorial Day 2018 while attending a friend’s backyard BBQ. I wanted to abstract how I was seeing the children interact as they moved across the playground scene—as groups, pairs, and individually. After filming the playful setting, I rotoscoped each child in the video into a colored dot and synced the original audio.
Central Park Pedestrians
While big cities often boast historical attractions that millions of tourists leave their mark on each year, I wonder about the marks left by the city’s residents. Following in their footsteps, I ran along the paved trails of Central Park, capturing over 300 photos that document the daily steps of many New Yorkers. The images were then incorporated into this 50-second video which tells the story of repetitive daily routines.
Watching Water
Fast pace has become the expectation for images and videos on screens. Is that affecting how we encounter our everyday surroundings so that we miss out on small sensations?